Hospice of Lenawee is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing compassionate patient and family-centered care to the people of our community during and after the last season of life.
Assist in covering the continuing costs of our community bereavement services.
Hospice of Lenawee is able to provide grief and loss services to our community at no cost through grants and charitable gifts. The Kathy Goetz Endowment was established to ensure the legacy of our late and former Bereavement Director. This Endowment assists in covering the continuing costs of our community bereavement services.
When someone is not available for coverage, help cover their Hospice Costs.
Although Hospice Costs are usually covered through the "Hospice Benefit" under Medicare, Medicaid or most private insurance, there are times when someone is not eligible for coverage. In that event, we continue to provide our compassionate care with little or no cost to our patients and their families.
Your donation to the Hospice Heart Endowment is a way that you can help us assure that everyone is covered.
Help us to address a need in the Home, such as equipment, furniture, kitchen appliances, etc.
Our Team takes care of an average of 125-150 patients per day. We do this through a team approach that includes the patient’s family in the plan of care and in the setting of where that patient calls home, including our 8-bed inpatient residence - our Hospice Home. A gift designated to the Hospice Home will help us to address a need in the Home, such as equipment, furniture, kitchen appliances, etc. Your thoughtfulness is often the reason why our patients and their families can truly feel at home during their stay with us. Click on our Wish List below.
As we strive to be good stewards of our resources, we have created the General Endowment Fund to assure we are here well into the future.
Hospice of Lenawee is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with no affiliation to any health care system. As we strive to be good stewards of our resources, we have created the General Endowment Fund to assure we are here well into the future. After all...
You are Our Community.
We are Your Hospice.
An Unrestricted Donation will be used where the need is greatest.
You do not have to designate your gift to any one department. If you make this choice, your donation will be used where the need is greatest.
For ideas on items that we are in need of at the Hospice Home and our Home Care outreach or to see the difference your monetary gift will make to our organization and our Hospice of Lenawee patients and their families, please view our Wish List.
There are many ways to give to Hospice of Lenawee. Your gifts support everything we do, from daily care to bereavement, and all things in between, including our beautiful Hospice Home.
For more information on donating to Hospice of Lenawee, contact Heather Perez, Director of Development at (517) 263-2323.
For your giving purposes:
Legal Name: Hospice of Lenawee, Inc.
Address: 1903 Wolf Creek Hwy. Adrian, MI 49221
Federal Tax ID Number: 38-2414012
Facebook Fundraisers: Hospice of Lenawee is a 501©3 Nonprofit entity. If you should make the decision to create a Facebook fundraiser with Hospice of Lenawee as the beneficiary, please make us aware prior to its posting. Please Note - If funds collected in the Facebook Fundraisers exceed the designated specific purpose listed on the fundraiser, no funds will be distributed to other individuals, groups or organizations named in those fundraisers due to the 501©3 Nonprofit donation status of our organization. Any excess funds will be used for patient care. Should you want the money to be given to another source, please do not designate Hospice of Lenawee as the payee of your fundraiser.
We encourage donors to consider making a pledge to Hospice of Lenawee to be paid over a period of up to five years.
Cash donation – Nothing could be simpler. Your support can be made through our website by clicking on the Donate button, mailing your donation to our office or just stopping by…we would love to meet you in person!
Please contact us if you're interested in having a fundraiser and want to donate the proceeds to Hospice of Lenawee. This is always greatly appreciated!
A List of items that address a need in either our Hospice Home and/or our Home Care.
Many of our donors choose to support us on a regular basis. For those who are interested in making a three-year commitment at a specific level, we offer the opportunity to become a “Doc” Annual Giving Circle member.
For more information, see Annual Giving.
As Hospice of Lenawee is a “charity of choice for many now, it is also a Mission that some would like to have provide for as their Legacy. The Frank & Shirley Dick Legacy Circle provides an opportunity to do just that, by becoming a member.
For more information, see Planned Giving.
The "Doc" Annual Giving Circle is named after Doctor Carlton Cook. Dr. Cook was not only a staple in our Lenawee County community for decades, but also an Emeritus Board Member for Hospice of Lenawee. He was here at the beginning, understanding the importance of a form of care for dying patients that focuses on palliative measures rather than curative and is based on compassion for those at the end-of-life. In February of 2019, Doc passed away suddenly at the age of 92. Throughout his life, he served Our Mission faithfully, both through time & financial resources. It is only appropriate that our Annual Giving Circle should be named after one who walked the walk and understood the concept that consistent giving secures an organization's future.
The "Doc" Circle is comprised of donors who make a giving commitment of three years or more at a specific financial level. Along with this pledge, "Doc" Circle members will receive consistent communication, be recognized at an annual event and acknowledged in our annual report (if so desired).
The "Doc" Annual Giving Circle will celebrate those who make a pledge to give annually and the importance of that commitment. Please join us by becoming a member of the "Doc" Annual Giving Circle.
The goal of our Annual Gifts Committee is to promote the significance of supporting your charity faithfully. This committee oversees our quarterly "Thank-A-Thon" and provides direction to those interested in becoming a "Doc" Annual Circle member.
"Dad was always a good listener and had compassion for his patients, including end-of-life and passing with dignity. He believed that Hospice of Lenawee shared this value and was happy to be a part of it."
— April Cook Gunder
"Steve and I are proud members of the Doc Circle! We believe so strongly in the mission of providing compassionate care for our county’s residents who are nearing the end of life. We contribute yearly to Hospice of Lenawee to help insure it’s continuation of excellence."
— Anne Sherman
Frank & Shirley Dick's love story is somewhat famous in Southeast Michigan and Northwest Ohio. And, because of their commitment to doing good, we all seem to share in a piece of it! The impact on our community by the Dicks is not just one of yesterday and today, but also for Hospice of Lenawee it is one of tomorrow. In 2018, we created the Frank & Shirley Dick Legacy Circle. It represents our future and is comprised of individuals who have either made a legacy gift commitment or from whom we have already received a legacy gift.
Leaving a Legacy does not need to be complicated. If you are interested in having a conversation about being a member of our Legacy Circle, just give us a call at 517-263-2323 or send an email to our Director of Development at [email protected]. We are here to answer your questions.
The Frank and Shirley Dick Legacy Circle recognizes those who choose to leave a legacy gift to support our organization in their will or trust. Please join us by choosing to become a Legacy Circle member today!
The goal of our Planned Gifts Committee includes providing education to our community and financial professionals on planned giving through written materials and informative seminars. The committee is comprised of local financial experts with a passion for the Hospice of Lenawee Mission.
Imagine a Mission that not only plans for its own future, but also for those it serves. That is...
Hospice of Lenawee.
During 2021, we met our goal to secure 21 Planned Gifts. We are grateful to Creek Enterprise for their help by providing a $21,000 match as an incentive.
In 2022, we have a goal to secure 12 new Planned Gifts.
Please consider joining the Frank and Shirley Dick Legacy Circle through a commitment of a Planned Gift as we seek to secure our future. Contact us at 517-263-2323 and ask for Heather Perez, the Director of Development for more information.
Suggested reading: Want to do more for your favorite charity? Consider a Planned Gift.
We currently have no Planned Gift Seminars or Events scheduled. Please check back later.